A Big Thank You to Bristol Myers-Squibb

We are so honored and blessed again to be the recipients of Bristol Myers-Squibb November 2014 Fall Food Drive.  Special thank you to Noreen Young, Plainsboro for leading the employee food drive and Barbara Pienciak, Hopewell for leading the employee food drive in Hopewell.  We are certainly grateful to you for these much needed and diverse non-perishable food provisions to fill our shelves for our participant families.  Thank you! More photos on PHOTO page.


Holiday Drive for Dinners


Holiday Drive for Dinners

As the holiday season of Thanksgiving and Christmas approaches, we are all thankful for our many blessings. Yet, there are numerous struggling, working families in need in our area due to the unstable economy and in circumstances out of their control.  We are getting a jump on the holiday this year, as the need for food-assistance is at an all-time high. Can you help us make sure no one goes without a holiday meal this year? Please donate $50.00 or an amount you are able to Bentley Community Services.  Monies received by Bentley Community Services will be used to secure and distribute food provisions. Please mail your generous donations to BCS, PO Box 1093, Belle Mead, NJ 08502. Please visit our website at www.bentleycommunityservices.org, like us on Facebook and please give us a call at 908-227-0684.  Thank you for your generous donations.

Work, Life and Time Management Seminar

Participant families in the Bentley program self-state their goals and we help them try to achieve them by offering specific classes.  Our third such class is coming up.  On November 12 and 19, our participant families will be attending a Work, Life and Time Management class “Make Every Minute Count” and learning about important work/life skills. We believe that being a life-long learner, always learning new and up-to-date information can truly lead to greater possibilities and opportunities.

Our facilitator leading the class is Lorette Pruden.  Lorette owns Team Nimbus NJ, a small business development and coaching practice, is a founder and board member of the Montgomery Business Association, Past-president of the National Speakers Association NJ chapter and has managed the Montgomery Friends of Open Space Farmers Market for the last twelve years.  She served on several boards of not-for-profit and arts organizations as well.

Lorette has a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from Princeton University and spent a rewarding career at Mobil before the Exxon buyout several years ago.

One of the Formerly Corporate™ herself, her latest book by that title talks about the mindset shifts required for success in a different environment.  Whether you are looking for another job, starting your own business, or managing a household and family, many of the issues of time management are similar.

We thank Pastor Tony and Montgomery United Methodist Church for being the host location for the classes.  We thank Lorette Pruden for being our facilitator and look so forward to the classes. Again, we certainly are grateful for the Bentley community.



Thank you, Trader Joe’s

Thank you to Trader Joe’s for their generous provisions week after week of incredible and amazing food provisions, mostly organic and so healthy, to feed and distribute to our participant families. Also, weekly you generously provide us with the most beautiful, fresh flowers, so many wonderful types of plants, fresh herb plants and seasonal plants and flowers!  Thank you for adding so much color, beauty and enrichment to everyone,  We are truly so grateful for all you do for Bentley and helping us reach higher levels in our distribution of such truly amazing and incredible generous provisions in feeding our participant families.

Traderjoe'spickup10252014 TJprovisionsfreshflowersTJfreshflowersTJ2TJpeaches


Bentley, Bloomberg & Bristol Myers-Squibb

Our final farm workday of 2014 at our generous provider farm, Norz Hill Farm,  was a combined effort with our two corporate partners, Bloomberg and Bristol Myers-Squibb!  Over 30 employee volunteers helped and worked together so well picking pumpkins and fall squashes.  We are so grateful and truly amazed at how dedicated and hard working these teams are, helping not only our organization, but helping to provide for the other agencies we donate to. So many pumpkins, acorn, spaghetti and butternut squashes were picked and everyone got to take some home and share in the bounty of farm fresh vegetables.  Thank you to all for an incredible final farm workday!



Thank You Bristol Myers-Squibb

Thank you Bristol Myers-Squibb, New Brunswick for your generous donations of non-perishable food items and toiletries collected through your food drive to fill our shelves for our participant families.  We certainly are so grateful and truly are amazed at all of the wonderful food provisions provided by your community of giving employees.  Thank you!


Bentley & Amazon Smile

amazon smile

We are now registered with Amazon Smile. Did you know that every time you make a purchase, Amazon will make a donation to Bentley Community Services? Log on to https://smile.amazon.com and make your purchases count. Please sign up today.  You can use your existing account to make purchases the same way that you usually do or create a new account if you are a first-time buyer.  It only takes a minute to register, and you will never be asked to pay additional fees.  Sign up today! Thank you!


A Big Thank You To Bristol Myers-Squibb

An employee volunteer helping hands team came out this week to help us at the farm.  A huge thank you to the volunteers who did such incredible work picking all kinds of tomatoes and gathering corn. Thank you Bristol Myers-Squibb and our generous provider farm, Norz Hill.  We certainly are grateful!
