ShopRite, Generous Shoppers & Bloomberg – Thank You!

We thank ShopRite for being the host store for our non-perishables food drive recently, the consumers shopping that day for their generous donations and the work team from Bloomberg for helping us sort and breakdown the provisions in our warehouse distribution facility! Thank you for helping Bentley and the families in need in our program. 1,320 lbs. of generous donations!



Thank You, Trader Joe’s!

We give thanks to Trader Joe’s for providing Bentley with such high levels and so many different types of healthy, fresh, nutritious and delicious foods each week for distribution to the families, helping us create access to healthy foods, facilitating healthy diets!



Thank You, James!

Working towards designation as an Eagle Scout, James (in the red tee shirt) from Montgomery Township chose Bentley Community Services as his community services project!  He planned and organized a non-perishable food, toiletries and household cleaning supplies drive to help the participants in the Bentley program. Job well done, James!  We are grateful and congratulate you!



Non-Perishables & Toiletries Needed for Summer Months

Participant families visit our distribution facility each week to shop, pickup and choose from a wide range of fresh, nutritious food provisions, non-perishable food products and toiletries for their families needs.  We carry high levels of provisions since we distribute each week. Currently, we are in need of the following non-perishables and basic needs products.


Pasta, rice, peanut butter, cereal, oatmeal, tomato sauce, canned or packaged beans, mustard, ketchup, canned vegetables, potato/stuffing sides, soups, tuna fish, boxed milk, macaroni & cheese, cake mixes, soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, disposable razors, shaving cream, laundry detergent.

Please call us at 908-227-0684 for pickup or drop off hours. Let us know if you would like to hold a non-perishables food and toiletries drive in support of Bentley.  We thank you for your generous donations!
