Thank you, Trader Joe’s!

In addition to the healthy, fresh, diverse and delicious foods we receive from Trader Joe’s, we are so thankful for the bounty of lovely, fresh flowers, plants and seasonal items we receive weekly for our clientele families. The selection we receive is so wonderful!  We  give a little tlc and they are ready to be distributed.  These are costly items and many do not have disposable income to purchase these types of items weekly. They add so much delight, color and beauty to the households of the families.  We are certainly grateful and thank Trader Joe’s!



Financial Workshop

We held another financial workshop for new families in the Bentley program.  This workshop helps clientele families tremendously with their finances and we thank Kevin Lynch, our financial facilitator, for a terrific evening full of so much valuable information.  Thank you, Kevin for fantastic workshop!

Thank You, Veeco!

We thank Taylor for organizing and running a food collection holiday drive of non-perishables and toiletries for Bentley at Veeco. Grateful to all that donated generous provisions to replenish our inventory. Thank you for your support!

Thank you for your Helping Hands!

Some of the hard working and dedicated student volunteers that come to Bentley Saturdays to help sort the numerous amounts of provisions that we pick up from our generous providers!  We thank them for their great work!  It truly is a pleasure to work alongside them each Saturday.